Testimony and Prophecy

Rev. 19:10,

... γρ μαρτυρία ησοῦ ἐστιν τὸ πνεμα τς προφητείας.
... for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
예수의 증거곧 십자가의 증거를 가진 자들은 자신과 세상에 대하여 예언을 하는 것이다.
The people who have the testimony of Jesus, the cross indeed are prophesying unto themselves and the world.
아모스 3:7,
주 여호와께서는 자기의 비밀을 그 종 선지자들에게 보이지 아니 하시고는 결코 행하심이 없으시리라
계 1:1~2,
예수 그리스도의 계시라 이는 하나님이 그에게 주사 반드시 속히 일어날 일들을 그 종들에게 보이시려고 그의 천사를 그 종 요한에게 보내어 알게 하신 것이라
요한은 하나님의 말씀과 예수 그리스도의 증거 곧 자기가 본 것을 다 증언하였느니라
계 12:17,
용이 여자에게 분노하여 돌아가서 그 여자의 남은 자손 곧 하나님의 계명을 지키며 예수의 증거를 가진 자들과 더불어 싸우려고 바다 모래 위에 서 있더라
계 22:6,
또 그가 내게 말하기를 이 말은 신실하고 참된지라 주 곧 선지자들의 영의 하나님이 그의 종들에게 반드시 속히 되어질 일을 보이시려고 그의 천사를 보내셨도다

Interpretations Belong to God

Quotation from:

Prophecy: The Testimony of Jesus 

‘…The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy.’ ~ Revelation 19:10 (KJV) As a result, prophets endure things that are reflective of Christ:
  • Jonah spent three days in the belly of the fish to represent how Christ would spend three days in a tomb before He was resurrected from the dead and ascended into heaven, and is now at the right side of the Father.
  • Gomer left Hosea for another man but the Lord told the prophet to go and reclaim his bride. The Lord’s bride turned away from Him but He still loves her and will redeem her.
When He was on the cross “…Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?’ which is, being interpreted, ‘My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?’” ~ Mark 15:34 (KJV) You may also go through a situation that makes you ask the Lord spare you, but He allows you to get “crucified”, even to the point where you feel as if He has forsaken you, but it is a part of the process for Him to refine and exalt you, like Christ who rose from the dead on the third day and ascended into heaven to be at the right side of the Father.
‘…The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy.’ ~ Revelation 19:10 (KJV) Moreover, the Holy Spirit points us towards the Son, and the Son (Jesus) points us to the Father. Whether you are a prophet or you have the gift of prophecy, ensure that you point people to the Lord. Joseph and Daniel interpreted dreams but they glorified the Lord with the caveat that interpretations belong to God (Genesis 40:8, Daniel 2:45).

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